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Catnip News — cat communication

What is your cat trying to say to you? How to interpret 'inscrutable cat' logic.

What is your cat trying to say to you? How to interpret 'inscrutable cat' logic. 0

Cats can be difficult to read at times. Often their owners think they’ve just reached a point of understanding them, only to have their efforts batted away. One moment they’re loving and playful, the next they’re aloof and temperamental.

Yet we love our cats because they’re mysterious and incomprehensible. What will they do next? Their unpredictability and un-readability is all part of their charm.

Many cats are quiet and want you to read their minds. They look at you with their jewel-like eyes and expect you to interpret their desires.

Perhaps it’s sometimes best not to know what are their thoughts as they look at us enigmatically.

We may think they are expressing love; they’re thinking only of dinner.

We think they are struck dumb with adoration. They think we look like prey and they aren’t taking their eyes off us in case we get away J

We think they’re deeply appreciative as we prepare their meals from a can or bag. They think we’re really slow. And If only we would just let them outside so they could prove that they can hunt their own dinner down! Plus, maybe we could serve up some more of the gourmet goodies they like so much instead of the other stuff, which they don’t.

The chatty cat tries to tell us what she wants, when she wants it. She’s super-expressive and vocal. But why oh why do we not understand?

We think she’s happy to see us. She’s just mad because we were gone all day.

We think she’s complaining whereas she’s actually serenading.

She chatters some more, and down goes the plate of food - but that’s not what she wants! How could we not know she is simply telling us that she doesn’t like Mondays?

Our inscrutable cats can be friendly and affectionate one minute, then hissing, and swatting at your hand the next. Whatever did you do wrong?

More than likely you simply misinterpreted her intent.

You fussed her when she wanted to be left alone. You didn’t fuss her when she wanted a cuddle.

You moved too fast or moved too slow. Spoke too loudly. Smelt too flowery. Had cold hands. Was too nice to the dog.

But most of all you simply aren’t a cat - and for that we will always fall short.

And perhaps it’s important to note too, that cats spent most of history being wild and instinctive. They can tame it down a notch, but like to remind us to respect their roots and to take nothing for granted.

Even the most sophisticated cat lover may simply not understand all the nuances of the inscrutable cat. It can take a lifetime to gain an understanding that there’s more to a feline than fluffy fur and those brilliantly unfathomable yellow, green, blue, or amber eyes.

What is your cat saying to you? Send us stories about your cats logic and we'll send a sweet catty prize to the best ones!